Sunday, July 25, 2010

Soldier Hollow Camp Out- 2010 Version

I know, I know. We do this every year, and every year I have close to the same pictures because every year we do the same things. The funny thing is, my adoring fans are split on this issue. Half of them nag me until I post them on the blog, and the other half complain when I post them because there are so many, and they look like the ones from the year before and the year before that- only that my kids get progressivley cuter, and I get progressively fatter.

Hanging out by the campfire. Classic. I think we were answering the cards from Loaded Questions this night. Good times. Allen introduced us to the stick game. According to Ross, it is an old Scout Camp game, and we were terrible at it compared to what he and his fellow scouters could do. Oh well- we had fun.
Grandpa Wallace let Sara ride the boat. She enjoyed that a lot.

Dana FINALLY tried skiing this year, and was a natural. She popped right up and did a great job. The girls loved watching her.
Jack was the best baby. Seriously. He was fantastic. He got passed all around and was admired by all, and was perfectly content to hang out in the Pack 'N Play when we all needed 2 hands to cook, or play games. He even slept at night. He is wonderful!
Brent came up for a few hours to surprise Eve. He brought her babies with him, and she was thrilled to see them. We are boring. A good portion of every year is spent sitting around reading books. I love it.
Grandpa Wallace and the girls are admiring Jack's smileyness. He is such a good baby!
Jack loved Allen's shirt. He would follow him with his eyes every time the brightness passed by him.
I always have my mom braid my hair at camp. Emma is taking on the tradition as well. Oh, and that sure is blue paint on her forehead. Nathan is waiting on his squirrel trap.
Heather and Aaron. Thanks for manning the camera most of the time, Heather. You're the tops!
Grandma Wallace. I want to be just like her. No joke.
Jessica and Heather.
Sara found the dual purpose for Allen's camera case.
Sara pulls it off way better than Tanner, though. :)
Heather had cute toes.
Dana and Heather.
Aaron, Carrie, and my mom.
Emma loved the flashlights. She enjoyed the different sizes, and got excited about all the different ways they could turn on. Buttons, switches, winds, etc.
Sara and Heather hanging out in the tent.
Grandpa Wallace.
I thought this was funny. The tarp was tied too high for Dana to reach. Now I have proof that she walks all over my parents.
Heather and Jack.
I stole this from my Aunt Carrie. This was just one of many squirrels that were captured and traumatized by my cousins. This was also only one of many methods used to catch and traumatize squirrels. My cousins are fun!
There is a little island in the lake there, and my sisters started a tradition of swimming out to it every year. There is a plaque on it that says Badger Island. They have looked all over it for signs of badger dens, but haven't seen one yet.
Jessica, Heather and Dana.
Tanner, Aarion, Jessica, Heather, Dana, Caulene, Kim, and Nate in the front.
Jessica made a black forest cake. It was amazing.
I tried to get his attention, but he was too engrossed in his book.
I really truly love these people. So much. Thanks for facilitating this fun get-together every year!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

all my posts are things we do over and over and over...crazy...but that's life and family traditions are the BEST!