My friend Tracie posted this on facebook today, and it really touched me. It is quite simple. They asked some moms to write down what advice they would give themselves if they could go back in time to right before they had their first child.
Reflections of Motherhood
They were all very true and poignant, but I had some favorites, and wanted to explain them.
Forgive Yourself.
Good Heavens, that is so pertinent to me right now. I beat myself up all the time for what I perceive as failures when really, they are not even close to that. When I look back in retrospect I feel pretty awesome about my life and my children, and my mothering. Sometimes in the moment, though, those mistakes or setbacks just seem insurmountable and I make them even more so by building myself a nice mound of guilt. Not great. Forgive Yourself.
Real Men Change Diapers.
OK, this one doesn't really need any explanation except that Ross is the manliest man I know and he sure as heck changes diapers. He also plays princess, engages in tickle wars, watches Disney animated films, and sings songs before bedtime. I love him. So much.
Your Mom Was Right.
Yes she was. And is. And probably always will be. I may have mentioned in the past my dislike for unsolicited advice, but don't you for a minute think I don't get advice when I need it. Which I do. A lot. I just choose to go to my own trusted sources for thoughts and suggestions about most of the important things in my life, the very topmost of those sources being my mom. She is amazing and so smart and so extremely patient with me. I love you, Mom! So much.
You Are About To Meet True Love
This is the last one. It is so true. I never before imagined that I could love someone like this. People say it all the time, and that is for a reason. Each time I hold a new child in my arms I am overwhelmed with the love I feel for them, and a little confused at times as to how I can feel such an abundance of emotion for one being, and not have that lessen my love for others in my life. Quite the opposite actually. Motherhood has opened my heart and expanded my capacity to care for others. In a very real way, Emma taught me how to love, and I have only gotten better at it the longer I have been a mother. I can't help but love Ross more when I see what amazing little beings our mutual love produces. He is amazing, and my children are amazing, and I have him to thank for that.
"That's your Maybe Baby"
1 day ago
1 comment:
I love all your blog posts, but I particularly love your insightful ones like this. You're a good person.
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