Sunday, February 22, 2009

Waiting at the VA

Once every other month or so, Ross has to go to the VA in Salt Lake to get his blood levels checked to ensure that his prescription is at the right dosage. Every now and then, he lets his girls all tag along so that we can play in Salt Lake. This usually entails me sitting in the car for an hour with two sleeping children while I read a book. Afterwards, we use the gas stipend that the VA gives Ross to drive to Salt Lake for a fun outing somewhere.

Unfortunately, this appointment took longer than usual, so much so that it extended past the napping time for the girls. This meant that I had to put my book down, turn on Dr. Laura/ Sean Hannity (I switch back and forth because a- they are on at the same time and b- I HATE commercials with every fiber of my being) and let the girls roam around the car and entertain themselves with whatever they can find.

Sara found my discarded shoes and my last 3 tic-tacs. This is me checking to make sure that I am still hot. Do not bother me by mentioning that I was literally within inches of 6 different mirrors. Pictures never lie- mirrors sometimes do (have you never been to the circus? Oh- me neither- but still. . .) You would probably not believe me if I told you that I have an entire file on my computer dedicated to self-portraits such as these. Some call it vanity, I call it necessary.
It took her 10 minutes to figure out how to open that container and manipulate the little mint goodies inside. Very cute. She was also entranced by the fact that the container was tinted pink, so the candies that looked pink were actually white. (side note: I purchase pink products with the breast cancer ribbon on them whenever possible, and so should you!)

Yup, still as hot as can be expected after a 2 hour wait in a car with busy children and no back-up make-up.
After this, we just barely made it in time to spend part of our gas stipend on the early bird special at Texas Road House. No, we are not Senior Citizens, but we like our steaks on sale, thank you very much!


Anonymous said...

Jake and I frequent Texas Roadhouse's early bird special. Our favorite part is the loaded steak fries. Yum.

Tracie said...

You're not the only one to take self-portraits. I also do it. Unfortunately, I usually conclude that I do not look "hot" anymore. I'll work on that post pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Yup, you're still hot!