I actually could not choose my favorite Sophia picture, but since I figured my Memory Mondayness of late has been lacking, you wouldn't mind 3. Also- they are all some of my favorite pictures ever.
I was the first person Sophia ever slept with at BYU-I. :) She was my room-roommate for part of Fall semester 2003. She and Heather (who will be featured in a future Memory Monday) switched part-way through the semester- not out of bad feelings, but just out of a penchant for change. Anyway, Sophia was the most goofy, most musical, most TALL, most bi-lingual individual I have ever had to chance to live with. She was random and clever and sensitive and sweet, and I love her freakin' face!
Sophia came to us at Kerr Hall from a home that had not only been broken, but completely shattered! She endured her hearty helping of hardships (wow- that was completely unintended alliteration there!) with strength and dignity. Because of some of her struggles early in life forced her into an adult role just when she was beginning her childhood- she missed out on a lot of the joys of certain childish antics. She took her freedom at BYU-Idaho as the perfect opportunity to let some of that pent-up childhood out. I loved that! I got to do all sorts of crazy things with her! Here are just 3 examples. If you imagine Josh Groban serenading every one of these events, then you will get an even better idea of what living with Sophia was like.
For some reason (I think Mary Anne was using the facilities) we thought it would be a good idea to finish up our preparations for Preference in the front room. It was really fun until Rich (Mary Anne's boyfriend- now husband) came over, and watched us. Awkward! I am fairly certain he is the one who took this picture. . .
I made up a game in my mind called Kinky. It is a very fun and interesting variation on Twister. I was telling Sophia about this one day, and she and Mary Anne decided to help me make a prototype and then we all went and tried it out. It was awesome! I am actually still toying with the idea of making a real prototype and trying to market that bad-boy, because it really was fun, and there is nothing out there quite like it. (Happy Scrappy Man!) That is why I will not give you all the details about it now. Look for it in stores hopefully before I die!
I love Sophia! She is fantastic. She was kind enough to hang out with her loser of a pregnant abandoned friend while Ross was away. I don't think she really knows how much that meant to me. I also got to see the beginnings of her relationship with her husband. He is great, and I am so happy for the two of them. They have a beautiful little boy (and I mean beautiful! He has such long curly hair and gorgeous eyelashes!) and they are expecting another little baby soon who they will name after me if the baby is a girl. . .
Let it be known that your stories are AWESOME. And I also love every picture you are ever in. You're the most photogenic, cutest person ever.
I love the pictures & I almost don't mind that there are now pictures of me in my underwear on the internet ;). At least they are on the outside right? I had so much fun having you as a roommate and so much fun having you in Utah with me for the short time I was there. I miss you terribly. On the plus side we will be family in the future. I asked Cameron is he wanted to marry one of your girls to which he enthusiastically responded "Yeah!" When I asked him which one he said "Baby Sa (Cameronese for Sara)" Anyway I look forward to being future family although I am sure that Cameron will have major competition. If only arranged marriages we still normal-sigh
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