Ross and I are really happy with this new ward! The people are so nice and welcoming, and, most of all, they KNOW ABOUT US!!! Last week we had our membership records read into the ward, got callings, got training in those callings, were sustained and set-apart in those callings- all within four days of each other. I am on the Enrichment Committee, and Ross is the Teacher's Quorm Advisor and the Varsity Scout assistant. We are really happy to be so involved so soon- we have missed feeling like a real part of the church! Anyway, because Ross is now in the process of planning a few overnight camping and rafting trips with the scouts, it looks as though we may not be able to take the vacation we were planning to Yellowstone this summer. We hope to still be able to work it in- it will just depend on how much time Ross will be able to take off from work. We decided to take a quick mini vacation this past weekend to Park City just in case we don't get another chance later on. We had a lot of fun, and I will go into detail when I find the cord to my camera. That is my excuse for my blogging lameness as of late.
Now, to make up for this week's survey, I will fulfill a tag I have had hanging over my head for a while now. I am to list 6 quirks or embarrassing stories about myself.
1. I am a sodiumaholic. I LOVE salt. I pour it over everything in large quantities. A lot of my friends have told me that they can't wait for the day when I get high blood pressure and am forced to give up my salt. To that I just say that the only time I have ever had high blood pressure was when I was pregnant with Emma and I knew something was wrong. Most of the time I actually have really low blood pressure- so there!
2. I am afraid of the dark- like a lot! I still have a nigt light, and I HATE going into my garage or basement at night, even if the lights are on. Last night the power went out for maintenance on our block from 12:00-4:00 am, and I thought I was going to have a heart attack! It was so dark- not even the street lights were on. The stars were GORGEOUS, but it was scary! Ross was nice and got a candle lit in the hall as a night light for me.
3. I love long, hot showers, and I mean REALLY long and REALLY hot showers. The shower is my place to ponder and plan and pray. I have gotten a lot of my personal revelation while soapin' it on up in the shower.
4. I have a thing for vampires! I always have for some reason. When I was 11, my dad rented Interview With a Vampire- that vampire movie with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise (he didn't tell me it was rated R!). That night I had my first. . . naughty dream- guess who was there with those fantastic fangs. Since then, most of my silly fantasies involve vampires. Suffice it to say I am REALLY excited for the Twilight movie to come out, only I am afraid the screen Edward will not be able to match up to my Edward. Ross has accepted the fact that if vampires were real, he would either need to join them or be replaced by them.
5. I have a mini panic attack whenever I hear an ambulance siren. My heart rate gets really fast and I start sweating, and I get short of breath. I am always certain that someone I know is the cause of whatever accident has summoned the siren. Poor Ross gets calls from me all the time making sure he is OK and not riding in the ambulance I just heard, even if I know he is not working anywhere near where I heard it at the time.
6. I have super sensitive hearing. I can always hear what people are saying in their conversations around me. I try to not drop eaves- but sometimes it is hard- especially when I know they are talking about me. I also have a really hard time with the buzz from TVs. You know, when you turn it on and put the mute on, there is that tiny little buzz? Well it is more of a constant screeching for me. Whenever we get a TV, that is one of the major things we look at- or listen to I guess. Some TVs can give me a headache even when the sound is up because the buzz is just so loud. I can also always hear the ticking of analog clocks. I get pretty bad headaches when there is more than one in the room and they are at slightly different tempos from each other.
"That's your Maybe Baby"
1 day ago
I've noticed you've been slacking on your blog! Do you watch Moonlight? Oh, you don't have tv! You can watch full episodes on It is about this awesome Vampire PI! You will love it, it's one of my very favorite shows!
I have super sensitive hearinf too. I can't sleep in a room with an analog clock the ticking drives me nuts. Needless to say though a lot of kids that I babysat were very frustrasted by my super human hearing powers. I am also surprised that someone who is afraid of the dark is so into vampires.
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