First of all- Happy Birthday Heather (yesterday)!!! How weird is it that my little sister is 22? Happy Cinco De Mayo!! We celebrated with some great Mexican food and some fried ice cream! It was fabulous! And finally, (I think. . . I hope I'm not missing anything) Happy Anniversary Sophia and Brian!
One of my friends has a cute thing she does on her blog, and I have decided to go ahead and do the same on mine. you knwo what they say, immitation is the sincerest form of flattery! Every Monday she digs up some old pictures from her childhood or other early years and shares a memory. Not only is this rather entertaining and a great way to learn new things about her, but it is also a good way to record some of the things that may otherwise go forgotten.
Since I decided rather late in the day to do this, I didn't have time to rummage through my big box of photos and choose a really good one, so for the first day, I will suffice with something I found in my e-mail inbox from Ross.
Ross and I had a pretty weird start in our courtship for a lot of reasons, but one of the hardest for us to get around was the fact that after only 2 months of dating, I went back to Utah to earn some money (as a detention lady- mwahaha) and left Ross all alone in Rexburg. This meant that we both took turns every two weeks or so to make the four hour trek to see each other. The last time Ross came down to visit me before we broke up was a really great visit (which was actually a big part of the breaking up drama). It was conference weekend, and we got to spend a lot of time together. We talked about a lot of things that neither of us had really shared with anyone before (and haven't since) and we shared a lot of insights with each other while listening to conference. Somehow, in 2 short days we got closer than we had ever been before. I finally felt like he was letting me in and letting go of Erin. I finally felt like this crazy pipe dream of a lasting relationship with him was going to be realized. It was a really beautiful feeling- euphoric in a way I had never experienced.
This was also the weekend that Ross was introduced to one of my Aunt Lara's greatest forms of art- her cookies!! I have yet to make a batch that measures up to hers in his eyes. I do have a sneaky suspicsion that I have beat her a couple of times, but Ross wont admit it so that I will continue to keep trying.
Anyway, this picture was taken of us while we wandered around Sundance and played the question game. This is really how we got to know so much that weekend. We just took turns asking each other random questions. Some were silly- like 'What cartoon character would you date?' and 'What cereal box would you want your face to appear on?' while others got a lot deeper and more meaningful- like 'What is your greatest non-physical fear?' and 'How would you cope with losing your spouse?' I know that it was this weekend that led to our breakup, but I also firmly believe that had it not been for that weekend, Ross would not have cared so much about us remaining friends after he dumped me. Keeping that friendship alive is, in a very real way, the only reason we are together today. Believe you me, I had a lot of other options, and most of them would have led to MUCH less complicated courtships (and probably marriages as well). I suppose the old adage was true- we are both still alive after all the stuff we have had to deal with, and I like to think that I am stronger for it. I love Ross with all of my heart and I feel so lucky that he finally chose to be with me. He is my best friend and my greatest hero, and on top of all that, he has a nice bum! ;)
Never Say Never
1 week ago
K, now post the break-up story, I've never heard that one!
You make me smile :) I totally understand about complicated courtships and other people being involved in them. Only for us I was the one with a missionary.
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