Friday, December 10, 2010

Introducing Mischief

Ross got another kitty. He will try and tell you that he got it for me, but don't believe it. The cat is his. He picked it out and spent 4 days finding the perfect name for our new little addition. The whole process was spurred on by a recent mouse sighting in our house.

I hate mice.

So much.

Anyway, Ross is wonderful and found a free little kitty on KSL that was in need of a home. He is sweet and snuggly while still being spunky. Perfect.

Or purrfect. . . It's a bit late. That is funny to me at the moment, and courtesy laughs would be appreciated. Thank you.

For the last week, this has been a fun diversion while I have been working. Seriously, nothing spices up a history of Rome like little kitten socks.
Sometimes I enlarge the cursor and let him chase it.

I'm sure this is covered in the warranty. . .
When not protecting me from my blanketed feet or attacking the computor cursor, he usually camps out here. He settles right in and purrs loudly. I love it.

We love little Mischief (whose prior names were Caesar, Burglar, Tux, Alfred, and Nigel). He and his speckled nose have weasled their way into our hearts, and I just couldn't be happier about it all. (unless of course Scrapper returned. . . I still miss him. . .)
I just think a house feels more like a home when there is a cat around.
Even if I am wrong about that, it will still cut down on the mouse population. Mice are grody. Mishief is cute. Amen.

1 comment:

Austin said...

**Courtesy laugh.**

giggle giggle snort.

That cat is too cute, and I love the name. I wish we could have a cat. I love them, but I'm very allergic. :(