Monday, March 22, 2010

Exploring Cabella's

Last Saturday (yes, these pictures are a week old- I am still learning how to use my new camera) I was getting a little touch of Cabin Fever. That happens more often now that I don't have a car for the time being. I literally go days without leaving my house- and that gets old. Anyway, I wanted to get out, but I didn't want to have to spend any money. Ross came up with the BRILLIANT idea to go over to Cabella's and look at all the stuffed animals and the giant fish tanks. The girls LOVED it!

I know the rest of us look weird- but I loved Emma's face in this picture. They have these fish tanks full of fresh water fish like catfish, trout, bluegills, and other things I didn't recognize. They are HUGE!
Ross took this one. He said he wanted to learn the art of the self taken kissing portrait. Not too bad, Honey!
Emma kept calling that mammoth catfish a shark.
It does kind of look like one. . .

Emma loved all the taxkidermy animals. I could NOT get her to look at the camera- she was too engrossed.
Bear liked the Polar Bear best of all.

It was a really fun day, and I am glad Ross thought of it. It is probably something we will do again since the girls ask to go see the fish and the bears every day now. It was educational too. Emma knows what a Javelina is now, and she can differentiate between a Deer and an Elk.


Anonymous said...

Yup, Cabelas is still pretty cool to me too, and that catfish could very well be a shark, Amanda. Gosh. Think you know stuff! ;)

Sophia Crane said...

I love Cabelas. I will probably make a visit while I am out there.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I heart that you want to know me! We should most definitely be, at the very minimum, blends! Your kids/family/blog/life look awesome! Thanks for commenting on my blog!