This is generally an easy weakness to control since most store bought cinnamon rolls are gross, and the closest Cinnabon is at the airport PAST the security barricade. Homemade is kind of the only way to go for me- and the process to make cinnamon rolls is extensive enough to keep me from indulging every time I have a craving.
Those deterrents were not nearly effective enough on Saturday. I woke up wanting nothing more than a fresh, warm Cinnabon. This may or may not have been spurred on by a text from my friend Jeff that I got an hour too late to take advantage of. He travels a lot for his job, and we have a good system worked out where he buys me Cinnabons at the airport when he comes home. We meet at the McDonalds in Lehi, and I pay him for the goods. He is my Cinnabon trafficking mule. Thanks, Jeff!
So, this option null and void by the time I read the text, I found a recipe for mock Cinnabons and made some. They were good. Really, really, rediculously good! I do not, however, think they would have been nearly as delicious without these adorable little assistants.
You are incredible and I owe you and the rating system on your website a great deal of the credit for my domestic success and ability.
Dear Crockpot,
Don't worry. You are still the most important part of my house-wife aresenal.
Love Eternally,
oh, i so want the recipie!! I've been wanting to try my hand at cinnamon rolls!
GREAT! Nate and I were planning on making cinnamon rolls tomorrow. I'll have to try it. They are my passion too, tho I mostly never get any. My friend Janet used to make me HUGE ones and bring over like 10 and tell my kids that they get one each and the rest are for me. I sure miss her. Shirlene makes me some every once in a while tho...
I hate that there is not a Cinnabon closer. Why did the one at the Orem Mall have to leave us? Whenever we visit our family in AZ I always want to go and get one there. I'd love the recipe too. If it's not too much to ask.
I love the girls' little aprons. They are ADORABLE.
Love the assistants---and isn't Allrecipes the best???
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