Wednesday, October 22, 2008


We always gather at my Grandma Wallace's house for the last session of Conference. She usually feeds us a quick meal between sessions, and then we have a big dinner after the session and we play board games and the like. Here are some pictures from this year's October session of General Conference.

Dana found a new twist to the Potato Head game. I do not even want to think about how many mouths all those tongues were in. . . gross! Don't be fooled by that vacant expression on Tanner's face- he really is quite bright. :) There's my cousin Micah in the background. He is a couple years older than Emma, but he loves to follow her around, which is good because Emma quite enjoys bossing him around.
Here is the group playing Scattergories. I took some pictures ater I had filled my card for that round. I won, handily. I am awsome!
Ross, Heather, Caulene, Dana, Garrett, Annika, Jay, Lara's arm.

Heather, Caulene, Lara, Jay- it looks as though Heather has some wandering eyes there.

That cheating wasn't the only shockig part about this round for Heather. Take a look at her scandalous card! Shame on you! :)


Anonymous said...

Go Heather! I love when the Scattergories die lands on F. The possibilities are endless!

Heather Jones said...

And just so you all know

Fornication was for a weapon, and "f" that was for a work used in exercise.

and I totally did not cheat! your just jealous you didn't come up with them on your own. so ha!