Friday, February 01, 2008

Baby BOOM!!

Last night Sara was particularly violent with me in there! She was stretching and kicking and pretty much anything she could think of to make me squirm. There was one point where she was sticking her foot out so hard that we could literally see the cute little outline of it. After this monstrous stretch, she pulled her foot back, and then kicked the same spot with sooooo much force that she bruised me!!! Did you know you can get brusied from the inside out? I didn't! It hurts! She better be really really cute to make up for it! Tuesday feels like an eternity away. . .

1 comment:

Sophia Crane said...

I knew they could, Cameron bruised my ribs sometime around month 8 and the bruise was still there 2 months after he was born (he really liked that spot). Anyway, the bruise is no fun but, in just 2 more days you will get to hold her in your arms.