Ross wasn't able to attend Emma's Kindergarten graduation because he had to return to work a week earlier than expected. I took some videos for him to enjoy later. Emma was mad when she saw these because apparently she never noticed that her cap had fallen off due to her cute little buns that she specifically requested for the day.
Jack checking on his week old brother. He likes the baby. I love it!
Emma and Mrs. Woffinden. She was a wonderful teacher, and I am grateful for everything she did for Emma this year.
She was very gracious with her eye surgery and all the extra things we
requested of her due to that. She also tried to keep Emma engaged and
challenged in the areas she excelled at (READING!). I know she did not
have to do this, especially with 59 other students and her own newborn
to worry about, so I am very impressed with how much attention she tried to give Emma.
Peyton and Emma. I am crossing my fingers and toes that they get in the same class next year.
Emma and Katie. We are so sad Katie and her family are moving. :(
Emma loves this picture because she was so happy Katie wore the flower Emma gave her for her birthday.
My little graduate, and her brother who insisted on being in the picture. Also, the bags under my eyes. So attractive. . .
Emma is such a smart and motivated little girl. We are still deciding on exactly how to structure her school next year (we are thinking half-time home schooling, but I have to talk to the administration still and decide on a curriculum), but whatever we choose, I know she will excel. She loves school and learning and gets excited when she masters new skills. She reads wonderfully and I love sharing something so dear to me with her. At one point she fell behind in math, but it took less than a couple of weeks to get her back on track and then back ahead with some work from home. I have watched her blossom in social situations, and we hear over and over again from people who have seen her go out of her way to friendship others who are sad, lonely, or upset for other reasons. She knows how to make them comfortable and be their friends. That is how she and Peyton got to be such good buddies. She is the best little helper I could ask for and really makes my life easier. I love her sparkling personality and her genuine concern for others. She is an amazing little girl, and I can't believe she is mine!