This is another post that most people won't care about, but holds information that I have been asked about on numerous occasions. I will try and be brief for those who don't care, but informational for those who are curious.
While in the hospital, I was doing well and healing quickly when I was overcome all of the sudden with a horrible pain just under my belly button, but above my incision scar. It was not normal post-C-Section pain. Some probing from an ungentle doctor showed that I had a uteran infection which was probably a side effect from all the bladder infections I had while pregnant that was exacerbated by the whole giving birth thing. Some antibiotics took care of that pretty quickly and I felt good as new (or as close to new as someone who had major abdominal surgery 3 days prior can).
A few days after coming home from the hospital I was getting out of bed when I dropped to my knees from some more terrible pain, but in a different spot. Not awesome. Again- this was not normal post-C-section pain. I know that pain and hadn't needed narcotics for it at all in the 3 days prior to this onset. It was so bad and so defiant to Percocet (which usually works like a charm) that we knew something was not right. Ross took me to the ER. They did a few tests including an ultrasound but couldn't find anything. The doctor asked some questions about my activities from the day before and was shocked to hear that I had been cooking, cleaning, and scaling stairs a week after a C-Section. He said he was certain I had probably pulled some inner-stitches from over exertion. He said this was not a big deal, but would be painful for a few days. He sent me on my way and scheduled a follow-up with my OB for a few days later.
Also- for the record- I am tough when it comes to pain. It really takes a lot for me to complain much. I can handle most things pretty well with little or no medication. That is another reason it scared me so much to be in such pain.
Anyway- after the follow up appointment found me in worse pain than ever, I was given a CT scan which found a nice little cluster of cysts on my left ovary. They are in a funny spot which is why they weren't seen on the ultrasound. It also showed some minor scar tissue that could corroborate the ER doc's idea about the popped stitches.
So- in conclusion- I now know why I am hurting so badly. Nothing can be done about it except for taking pain pills, which I don't like to do while nursing. I just have to kind of wait it out until they pop on their own or move to a spot that doesn't hurt as much. That is a bummer. However, I am grateful to know why I am hurting and to know that the reason is a normal and non-dangerous reason. I am trying to take it easy (which has not been easy for me) and the pain seems to be getting better every day.
Ross has also been in some pain. About a week before Jack made his debut, Ross and I were moving some furniture around when Ross hurt his rotator cuff. The poor guy was in a lot of pain, and that is saying something because he is tough! He went to a chiroproactor and had a massage therapist friend work on it at work, but he was still always in a bit of pain. He was unable to lay on his right side or lift too much weight. We were not a great duo since I am not supposed to life more than 10 pounds for another week or so.
He has been controlling the pain with Aleve and maybe possibly some of the Motrin that I was prescribed. . . :) He was shown a few stretches that have been helping and I try to rub it out for him before bedtime when possible (ie: when he doesn't start snoring before he hits the pillow. . ) He says it gets a little bit better every day, but I know he is still hurting a lot and that it has really made it hard for him to help me like he wanted to and to enjoy his new little boy to the fullest extent.
In Conclusion Part Two- Ross is hot and tough and could use some prayers in the direction of his right rotator cuff. Thanks!
"That's your Maybe Baby"
1 day ago
Hey you two, take it easy. This is the time when you can legally not worry about how the house looks and the kids are wearing the same thing they wore yesterday. You are suppose to take it easy after having a baby. (and before) Jack can handle the blame at this age. He will still cuddle and coo even if the house is messy and dinner is late formeveryone else. We love you and hope you are feeling a little better. Our prayers will be fo both of you! See you soon, love mom
Oh man. None of that sounds like fun. I agree with your mom. Take it easy. The chores will wait. Focus on healing yourself (both of you). Would a warm bath or hot pad help Ross's pain? Anyway, get well soon!
Man, you two must be getting old! Sorry you have had such troubles! Hope to see you soon!
Pain is just a part of life, but never a fun one.
Sending prayers and love your way, here's to a better than ever speedy recovery!
As someone who has had pretty constant rotator cuff pain over the past eight years, I am SO sorry! (I'm sorry about the post-baby pain too but don't have any experience with that.) I know lots of exercises and stuff to do if you need some shoulder relief tips.
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