1) Never let the boys go to the men's restroom by themselves. This will inevitably result in the little terrors streaking around in a space that I am not allowed to enter. Thank goodness for good natured Sunday School teachers who will laugh as they come to the rescue!
2) If one child is allowed to tell a personal story about their house, family, toys, or dog, then all of the children in the room must needs be given the same privilege. Failure to do so will result in tears and screaming.
3) If a sunbeam is on the floor, but being perfectly still and quiet, then that sunbeam should be allowed to maintain said silence in said position. Forcing the silent child into an upright position on a chair will result in tears and screaming.
4) When one sunbeam has resorted to tears and screaming, it is likely that the others will soon follow.
5) One can never EVER sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes enough times in a lesson about our bodies.
6) Any question ever asked ever will always be answered with an enthusiastic, "Jesus!" Cute!
7) Nothing makes me feel the Spirit stronger than listening to 100 kids (There were 98 in Junior Primary today) all belt out the words to "I Am a Child of God." Truly the most precious thing in existence! I am sure of it.
8) Emma is pretty much ready for Sunbeams as she was just as well behaved as the second most unreverent kid in class and only missed the snack part of nursery. Chairs are over-rated. For reals. She did well though, and knew all the songs, and tried to answer every question. The President was quite impressed when she knew who Joseph Smith was during Sharing Time.
9) Maggie, Daisy, Abby, Jada and Emma are some of the cutest girl's names ever. The owners of these names are just as cute as their names too. Especially Maggie- I totally heart her.
10) This should be a fun calling.
"That's your Maybe Baby"
1 day ago
that's so cute!! I love the name Maggie!! And I think it's cute that they answer "Jesus" to everything!!
Did you learn all of these all in one week? Lol.
I am so glad you like your calling! Cute sunbeams! No matter how crazy.
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