Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Last Hospital Pictures

 Mommy and Jack snuggling with some popcorn and enjoying a movie.  He tried so hard to not wiggle and hurt me.
 I couldn't resist taking a picture of the tiny baby with a giant pacifier.
 Emma took these.

It looks like I wasn't the only one not sleeping well with these not-at-home arrangements.
 Carrie came to visit and took some family pictures.  I think it's impressive we all fit on that bed together.

Poor little man got drug around so much.  He is such a champ!  I love this boy!
 Ross got me a new camera one day I was in the hospital, so we gave the old one to Emma.
 Daddy is not terribly impressed with her work, apparently.

 Proud Grandpa. 
 My dad visited me every day I was in the hospital, and that was so wonderful.  It got lonely, and with a shortage of babysitters during the day due to work and school, it got lonely there without Ross.
 Well, I guess I should say he visited Luke every day, and was willing to chat with me while he was there...

 My cute little visitors eating the Krispy Kreme doughnuts my friend Autumn brought the night before.
 This day got rough for me.  I bent over at one point to pick something up off the floor, and as I stood up, I had to drop to my knees in pain.  I was terrified because of all the other problems we had, and I worried it was something related.  It wasn't.  Turns out I had an abdominal hernia where they had pulled the ab muscles apart to get to the baby. I guess it is pretty common.  It was pretty painful, but a hot shower and some massage really helped, as did knowing it wasn't part of the super dangerous problem we had faced earlier.  That alone helped me relax a lot.  The sad part was, however, that I couldn't handle having my kids there when it happened.  It was just too much having them run around in that tiny space while I was trying to keep it together and find out what was happening.  Ross called my parents and sent them away, and as soon as we knew I was OK, he took off to go be with them since my family hadn't planned to watch the kiddos that day.  It was a lonely day.  Ross came back to the hospital to stay with me that night, and he brought me some comfort food.  Arby's fries, cheese sauce and a chocolate shake.  I love this man!  He so gets me!  We spent the night snuggling in that bed, watching funny shows on Hulu, and staring at our gorgeous new boy.  It was some of our first 'alone' time all week, and it was much needed.

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