When is the last time you exercised? If running up and down the stairs 32 times with a 14 pound baby in tow counts, then today! If you mean the last time I did my Carmen Electra strip-aerobics video, then some time last week.
Do you have any clothes that you are keeping just in the hopes of fitting into them again someday? Yes. I have had two kids, and plan on more, but my little college Sophomore heart would really love to get back ithose cute khacki slacks from Old Navy! I guess I need to get together with Carmen a little more often for that.
What are you dreading right now? Ross going to work on Monday. I really love having him home on the weekends (even if he wouldn't watch Moulin Rouge with me last night- jerk!).
How much do you weigh? 130ish
Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? Hahahahahhahahahahahahah!!!! (That means no, not in a very long time.)
If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would you do? Well, I would probably only answer the door if one of the girls gave me away. If I had to answer the door I would probably just let them on in and hope that they didn't notice my lack of upper feminine support and make-up. That is pretty much the difference between a good day and a lazy day for me.
Who last grabbed your bum? Ross.
What was one club or organization you were part of in high school that is embarrassing to admit now? I am pretty proud of most of them. I suppose the one that would be most frowned upon would be Mock Trial, but I actually had a lot of fun in that class despite having to work in close quarters with an ex-boyfriend.
What are your 5 biggest pet peeves? Conversation One-Uppers, People who lie and get caught in the lie and then continue to lie, Products at the store that do not have a price clearly marked on them, Having a blog with 150 unique hits a day- and no comments (hint hint!), unpatriotic people especially the ones who entered this country illegally to escape the poor conditions of their native land, and then refuse to say the pledge of allegiance as a sign of their devotion to said third-world nation. (Especially the ones who let their dogs run lose and poo in the park behind us and smoke on their back porch!)
Who are you mad at right now? I am not telling! (That means it is probably one of you- better watch yourself!)
Do you eat raw cookie dough? Sometimes I make cookie dough for the soul purpose of eating it raw. Don't judge me!
Have you ever shop-lifted? Not on purpose. One time I gave Emma a pack of skittles to play with in her car-seat while we were shopping, and I forgot about it when we left. I saw them when we got in the car, and would have gone back in to pay for them- but it was Wal-Mart and it had taken me 40 minutes to get through the line the first time, so I decided against it.
Have you ever kicked a vending machine? I tend to hate most vending machines, and avoid ever using them. So, yes, this hatred has ended in violence on a number of occasions.
What is something you love that would make you unpopular if other people found out about it? I don't know if it would necessarily make me unpopular, but I love cotton candy with all of my little carny heart. I also really loved the rodeo which I am not embarrassed by, but a lot of people have made fun of me about it.
What is something you dislike that would make other people upset? I hate pictures of little kids kissing. It is gross. Oh, and those Anne Geddes pictures of babies totally creep me out.
Have you ever been cheated on? Twice- once by Matt Garner a month before Eric came home from his mission, and then Jordan Fielding cheated on me a month after Eric came home. It wasn't too big a deal because he was a good rebound.
Have you ever cheated on anyone? Eric told my entire ward when he got home that I was a cheater and a slut who could not be trusted- but I still don't think that dating for fun while he was away on a mission really constitutes cheating.
What is your worst habit? Forgetting to switch a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer before going to bed. I usually have to re-wash mildewy clothes for that reason twice a week.
Are you cocky? You would be too if you were me!
Could you live without a computer? Honestly, yes. It would take a few days of crying and cursing the heavens, but I think I could adapt eventually.
What was the last lie you told? I told Emma the pepperoni on her pizza was chicken.
Who or what sleeps with you? Ross, and sometimes Emma when she has bad dreams. When Ross is gone, Rufus, my ratty old stuffed dog gets to come on up as well.
What do you do when you're sad? I take long showers and listen to my favorite music really loud. I like long drives too when I don't have the girls to worry about.
How many times did you cheat on important projects in school? I would never ever cheat on a school project ever ever ever. (If you want the real answer, you may have to e-mail me. My teacher mom reads this blog!)
Have you ever lied to get out of a ticket? No, because I have never had a ticket!
What made you want to wear that hair style? A combination of laziness and a lack of time and money to go to a salon. Who is up for a girl's night make-over?!?
Is anyone on your bad side now? Yup!
Ever done drugs? Not unless you count the prescription kind. I like to save those for really bad migraines.
What's the first thing you do when you get online? Go to my blog and see if anyone has commented or updated. I then commence crying as I comment on everyone else's blogs.
Have you ever accessed porn? Never on purpose.
How much money do you make? I am starting to average about $20 and hour for some free lance writing I have been doing (anyone need a speech written?). Unfortunately, I only get about 5 hours worth of work a week right now.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Not really. There is a funny story about Danielle and me, but no real kissing. I will let her do the honors if she would like!
Have you ever dressed up as a member of the opposite sex? Frequently. Doesn't everybody?
What size clothing do you wear? It all varies. Right now I have a medium top, and size small maternity pants. I may need a shopping spree in the near future.
What is the worst thing your parents ever did to you? My dad hit us, and my mom had a tendency to tell us we couldn't afford anything.
When was the last time you left your house? I went to my parent's house on Friday night for my dad's birthday party. I would have gone to stake conference today had Emma not woken up with a slight fever and some sniffles.
Have you ever blamed one of your farts on someone else? All the time. I am pretty good at it.
What is something you lied to your mom about as a teenager? I never really told her the full extent of my relationship with Eric. I am sure she figured it out, but I always told people we were just friends, when in reality, we were already planning our wedding. Gross, I know. I sure was 16 when he left on his mission.
Would you survive in prison? Probably. I can make friends when I need to.
What is your deepest guilty pleasure? I like dirty comedy. A lot!
What is your favorite movie that you should not have seen? Braveheart
Do you know anyone with the same name as you? Not anymore. As Amanda Jones, though- well that was just annoying.
Have you ever lied to your spouse about a purchase you made that you knew they would dissapprove of? Yes. Not recently though.
How much weight have you lost or gained in the last 2 years? I gained about 40 when I was prego, but lost all of that, then gained 10 of it back. I am trying to lose that 10, and maybe 20 more after that right now. Stupid baby-weight!!
What irritates you most on the internet? How easy it is to access filth in all of its e-forms.
Have you ever taken a picture that you wouldn't want your mom to see? Quite a few!
Do you watch movies with your parents? Only when I have to. My mom always asks me to explain what is happening, and my dad has to either have the caption on, or every line yelled back at him. They also like to talk through the whole thing, which makes it harder for me to hear when Ross and I talk to each other.
Have you ever passed off store-bought food for home-made? I don't think so. I could see myself doing that though, if I wasn't too lazy to take it out of the plastic wrapping and put it in one of my dishes. For the record- I do not buy store-baked goods very often! I prefer to bake my own.
Have you ever plagiarized? No. I usually try to cite my sources.
What is your ususal reaction when confronted with an ugly baby? "Wow- look how tiny! What a miracle."
"That's your Maybe Baby"
2 days ago
Man I totally hate it when you know there are million people reading your blog and yet NO comments! But I am also guilty of not commenting very much, which I am trying to repent of. So here's your comment. I enjoyed reading this, even if you might have felt cheesy doing it (I only say that because I always do).
I know a person with your same name. I have a student whose name is Amanda Goodwin.
I read your blog all the time, I'm just not good at commenting, sorry.
Where do you get the lists of questions to answer? Do people just send you stuff to add to the blog? Can I add those questions to my blog to make it more interesting? (Or course I'd change my answers).
Oh nice, I love the baby comment. I usually say something like: he's really growing isn't he? or I can't believe how much hair he has already. If someone says something like that to me I just shrug it off. Only my opinion matters about my babies, am I right?
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