August is always going to be a bit of a crazy month for us, and while it is fun to have so many events all packed together, it is always a bit of a relief to have it all wind down and be over with. August is host to a myraid of events for us, including, but not limited to, my birthday, Ross's birthday, Judy's birthday, Joe's Birthday, and the half birthdays of my sister Dana (on my birthday- we are half-birthday twinners), and both of our girls. It is also my favorite uncle's anniversary and my parent's anniversary. Oh yeah- and my new niece Abigail was born this month as well (in the shower at the hospital- good times!) Anyway, since this last week held Ross's birthday and our anniversary, I thought I would take some time to make a list of some of the things I love most about him.
1. He lets me complain to him about anything! Even him! It is nice to have a sounding board for things like that.
2. He doesn't judge me, which is also why he is pretty much the only person who I can really complain to.
3. I know this kind of goes along with the other two- but he is a really great listener. Ross is that rare kind of person who can listen to someone and actually hear what they are saying without thinking up something that outdoes what they are saying. There are so many people who see conversations as competitions, and feel the need to out-do, or one-up the situation. Ross is not like that, and it is very refreshing.
4. Ross is a great Daddy. Our girls love him so much, and he is so patient with them. Sometimes he is too patient and makes Mommy be the bad-cop. . .
5. Ross really cares about people. When things go wrong in other people's lives, he takes it to heart.
6. Ross respects his priesthood. We have had numerous discussions about the deterioration of the respect for priesthood callings and offices lately (post of ranting to come!) and it is nice that he feels the same way I do about the shaggy-haired, unkempt teachers passing the symbols od saving ordinances.
7. He loves me. We have had our differences, and we are still working through the fact that we show our love in different ways, but when it comes right down to it- I know that he loves me! I know that he would do anything he could to protect and care for me and the girls.
8. Even though he is totally tone-deaf and can't find a beat to save his life, he does try to sing and dance with me sometimes because he knows those are things that I pretty much gave up to be with him. I don't think he will ever master dancing in this life- but I love that he tries sometimes because I know how embarrassing it can be for him.
9. He hangs out with my friends. Ross was a little surprised to find that I was still in contact with high school friends when we got married. He has not kept in touch with anyone, so it means a lot to me that he is willing to go on double dates with my friends. I love that he encourages me to spend time with my friends, even if it means some awkward meetings on his end.
10. I love that he is so educated about business and insurance and other financial stuff. I feel like I have learned so much from him. If I had married someone just like me, then I would still be clueless about a lot of important things like mutual funds, and real estate and the stock market. I really enjoy learning from him.
11. He likes to learn from me too. I love that he will ask me to explain things about literature or music to him. He really helps me feel like it wasn't a total mistake to get a degree in reading (English Lit.). I enjoy feeling like I have something to teach him on occasion.
12. I love dsicussing hot-button issues with him. Most of the time we are on the same page, so we enjoy mocking the other/wrong side of the issue. Sometimes, however, we do not agree, and I get to polish up those latent debate team skills! We have had some really great banters, and we both get pretty heated about it.
13. I like that Ross knows when to stop fighting with me. He knows when I have passed the point of reason and am just looking for ways to hurt him. He can see when the passive aggressive side starts coming out. I love that he knows how to stop the discussion at that point. . . ;)
14. Ross has really been encouraging me in my writing lately, and that has meant a lot to me. I spent a long time telling people that I don't write- I just read the work of good writers. It has been really nice to hear his compliments on my work, and to have him push me forward to do something with it. I know I will never be great, but I do enjoy it. Writing is a relaxing and cathartic experience for me, and it is really one of the few times that I let myself really express what I am feeling and thinking. It is really wonderful to have his support in my literary endeavors.
15. I love that he speaks Spanish. It has come in very useful and times, and it is also quite sexy!
16. I love that we both have the same sense of humor. It is a relief to know that I am not being judged when I fall off the couch laughing every time someone walks into a pole. I also enjoy not being the only one with a. . . well. . . inappropriate sense of humor.
17. I like that he tries to provide me with things that he knows I would never get for myself. Most of the nice clothing and jewlery and perfumes that I have were from him. If it were up to me, my wardrobe would be full of DI clothing and I would be bathing and fragrancing myself with whatever I found at the $1 bin. I still love my sales and bargains, so we have come to a nice compromise consisting of coupon clipping and high-end store clearance racks.
18. I love that he gets excited whenever I get checks from the survey sites and free-lance writing that I do. It is silly, because I have yet to bring in more than $200 a month, but he really makes me feel like I am contributing, which means a lot to me.
19. I love that Ross is willing to swallow his pride, admit his mistakes, and ask for help when the occasion calls for it. He has sought help at times that I would not- and his humility has saved us at times when my pride would have sunk us!
20. Ross never comes home unhappy. He is always full of hugs and smiles when he comes in the door. All 3 of his girls are happy when Daddy comes home.
21. I love that he tries to surprise me. He is not very good at it because he is terrible at planning things- but I do appreciate that he tries. I am confident that someday he will do it well.
22. I love that he can see humor in anything. I love laughing with him about things that we should maybe be crying about. He has such a good outlook on life, and he takes all these twists and turns as challenges.
23. Ross is great at giving gifts. For our anniversary he got me a cotton candy machine and a sno-cone maker, and still stayed under budget. Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows what kind of heaven I have been in with my daily dose of fresh cotton candy.
24. I love that Ross likes my family. It means a lot that he enjoys talking and chatting with my family almost as much as I do.
25. I love that he is good at getting excited about some of the silly things that excite me. I am one of the easiest people to amuse ever- so I like not being mocked when I want to show him that I can play Praise to the Man on the piano, or when I drag him out to the garden to see the new pumpkin, or the funny beattle that hisses, or the cool bubble on the pizza. I know that it has to be frustrating living with a girl who still enjoys reading Beverly Cleary novels, but he takes all my silly shenanigins in stride and is great at humoring me.
26. I love, and this may be silly, but I love that he has a hard time with blood and needles. He is always so tough and fearless, that it is nice to be able to comfort him about something he fears that doesn't bother me. Does that make any sense?
27. This last one will only make sense to those who are familiar with Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages. Ross and I are very different in our primary languages of love. I prefer words of affirmation to anything else. If you really want me to feel happy and loved, then say something nice about me. Ross, on the other hand, revels in gifts. He loves opening presents, and likes to show his feelings through presents. This has been a very real struggle in our marriage. I think the one thing that has helped us to pull through is that we share the same secondary love language- physical touch. When I get him a gift that was a dud, or when he just cannot find any words at all to express the love he feels, then we can both resort to a loving embrace. I don't care how annoying that man can be with his wet towels on the floor and his pillow stealing, it would hurt me deelply if I was never be able to be held by him again.
Happy 27th birthday Ross! Happy 4th Anniversary! I love you.
3 days ago