This pregnancy has been kind of hard on me. I have had a lot more pain than I remember having with the girls as my body has grown and stretched to accomodate little Jack. A couple of weeks ago, things got to be too much. I had spent a day moving furniture and things around, trying not to overdo it, but, well. . . did I mention I was helping to move furniture around? I had ANOTHER bladder infection that felt like it might have been spreading to my kidneys. My migraines were out of control, and I was feeling emotionally overwhelmed. It was rough. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, and in reality it wasn't. I know that. It sure felt like it though. I was struggling and I needed some help.
After getting the girls to bed one night I asked Ross for a blessing. He agreed, of course, and asked what it was I wanted a blessing for. I wasn't really sure how to respond and knew if I tried to explain I would break down and I really didn't want to do that. Ross accepted this silence, hugged me, and sat me down to give me a blessing. Have I mentioned lately how much I love that man?
I won't go into details about the blessing because it was very personal and sacred to me, but I will say this. It was inspired. The words coming from my husband's mouth were not things he would have ever said to me in normal conversation. The things he blessed me with were not at all related to anything I had yet expressed to him, and yet, they were exactly what I needed. It was amazing.
Most of the blessing concerned physical ailments of mine- some of which I hadn't even talked to Ross about. Some of the blessing dealt with worries and concerns that I had talked about with Ross, but had never really expressed the deepness of the matters. Some of the blessing was charged with encouraging and praising words for things I was doing and trying to accomplish. Again- some of these things Ross had not seen. He had no idea about my goal to not raise my voice to the girls, he was not yet privvy to my new scripture reading routine, and he certainly hadn't heard my recent personal pleadings with my Savior about preparing myself and my home for my new baby. Those things came from the Lord. Through my husband. Incredible.
The reason for this post was really to express my gratitude for my husband and his worthiness to give me that inspired blessing, and to the Lord for once again fulfilling every extent of his promises to me.
In the last two weeks I have not had any symptoms of a bladder infection. That is the longest I have gone the entire pregnancy. I have had one or two headaches, but no full-blown migraines. My ligament pain has been highly diminished and always dissipates withing a few minutes when it does appear. I have had a lot fewer Braxton Hicks contractions. The charlie horses in my calfs and arches only come on every now and then, and usually go away within an hour.
Ross has been coming home earlier, the girls go to bed easier, my patience has been strengthened, and my Spirit has been bolstered. Even my narcissitic needs have been fulfilled as random people have thanked and complimented me on little things that I have done and said. I am receiving encouragement from strange, but all too welcome sources.
I am getting my lesson plans done faster which has left extra time for playing with my sweet girls and preparing my home for Jack. Ross found a second car that we purchased at a good price with cash. Out of the blue a friend from the ward brought over a big box of toys and dress up clothes that her girls were no longer using. She was going to take them to DI and thought about my girls and asked if I wanted them.
All of the physical, emotional, and even financial burdens that had been weighing my mind and body down a short time ago have all been addressed and lightened. I am happy. I hope I am not opening myself up for something bad to happen, but I have never felt this good and productive when I am this close to the end of a pregnancy. I have two weeks left, and while I feel big and slightly tired, I mostly feel awesome. I have been able to cross most things off my daily lists and still have time to rest, play and snuggle with my girls, and fit in extra projects that I didn't think would happen before the baby came.
I am blessed. I am grateful, and I am blessed.
Also- the Priesthood is pretty darn cool!
"That's your Maybe Baby"
1 day ago
Priesthood or the ability to act in God's behalf is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. That's not an acronym, it's just emphasis.
Thank you for this post, from an inactive in attendance but not in spirit, it warms my heart and speaks to my spirit more than going to church has in years.
I am so happy this is happening for you. And I know you will be ready when little Jack gets there. :)
I am so glad that you posted this what a wonderful testimony of the truly Godly power of the Priesthood.
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