Sunday, March 07, 2010

This Little Girl is 4 Years Old!

Can you believe it? I can't. When did that happen? We decided we wanted her to have a real birthday party this year at a place where we could accomodate a lot of people and where I would NOT have to cook or clean. I did some extra review work so that we could take her and her closest 20 friends and family to Pirate Island Pizza. She has been into pirates lately, and we heard this place was a lot of fun- so we thought it would be the perfect match. It was! We had a great time, and she is still talking about how much fun she had.

My camera finally kicked the bucket the night before the party. It hasn't been working right since our Portland trip, but I have been making it work alright until then. It finally refused to be coaxed, jerked, manipulated and tweaked into semi-working order (I haven't been able to zoom since July, and the flash either worked ALL the time or NOT AT ALL). I called on my sisters to do my photographic work for me, so I have pictures from 3 different sources. A lot of pictures. A LOT! I tried to narrow it down- but I have never claimed to be good at that ever. I broke up the post into a bunch of categories for your convenience. If you don't care, then don't look. If you do, then make sure you go into the older section to catch them all. They are cute, I promise. My girls are in them- so how could they not be? :)

We love you Emma! Happy Birthday Matey!


Holly said...

She is so cute! I wish we lived closer, I bet my girls would love playing with yours. That looks like an awesome party! I've never heard of that place, where is it?
Oh, and I just scrolled through all the other Emma birthday posts, and you are not fat! You are the most adorable pregnant lady ever!
I wish I could look 1/2 that gorgeous when I'm not pregnant!
You seriously have a cute family! Your gurls are just adorable!

Holly said...

Ha ha, typo. Your GIRLS are adorable, and so are you!

Carrie said...

happy b-day to Emma, and WHAT CAMERA SHOULD I GET!? I need a new compact one thanks to allen and I have 3 dead sonys lying around all w/extra batteries and cards...grrr!